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DESCRIPTION: The most immersive🕵🏻‍♀🕵🏻‍♂once in a lifetime adventure happening in Changi Village this April. Get to witness the unfolding of a deadly mystery buried under the soil of Changi Village for decades. This game will offer you a perilous opportunity to step into the role of a protagonist in a blockbuster movie🎥, and the chance to go through an adventure amidst the political unrest and chaotic epoch in the midst of British armed forces withdrawal from Singapore.

Changi Village will be transformed back to the year 1971, with 12 real-life actors doing theatrical plays🎭 and interacting with you for a real-life RPG game experience🎮. The place is populated with setups to resemble 1971 in Changi Village and the entire experience will make you feel like you are living there and then!

Castle Lumiere Nightfall

PLAYER REQUIRED: 5 to 8 players, LANGUAGE:English PLOT: 1970s with FantasyElement DISCUSSION: Private + Group Discussion TIME: 3 hours

DESCRIPTION: It was war and chaos in the capital city as the rebels finally struck to overthrow the king! But you know you have to reach the castle owned by Baron Quinn Fontaine after he had invited you 3 weeks ago. Meeting Baron Quinn was a huge distraction as there is something else you need to do in the meeting.

But this is no ordinary castle. It emits a horrific aura. The castle appears to have a ‘magical shield’ that stops and kills anyone who attempts to enter. People in the city know very little about the Baron and are terrified to go near the castle. You know the place is both mysterious and magical. And, although you have no idea who else will be coming, you know that you have to be there! .


PLAYER REQUIRED: 25 to 120 players LANGUAGE: English PLOT:  1960s hongkong gang story DISCUSSION: Private + Group Discussion TIME: 3 hours

DESCRIPTION: Seeking the Oriental Wind is a Theatrical play and Murder Mystery RPG game set in 1960s Hong Kong, where gangs and corruptions are common. You will get to play as one of the 100 characters with a unique background and witness a blockbuster story unfold as one of the character.

There are so many things you can do in this unique free-form game. You can win an election, strike it rich, poison the actors (NPC), bribe other players, form your own gang or even get arrested! This is your chance to finally get the chance to be transported to “the Hong Kong drama” with professional actors, making you feel like you are the lead character in the movie! Except that this time, you are the director too as you decide the story outcome and forge your own destiny for your character, and the fate of every actors in the game.


欢乐/情感/治愈 故事背景: 现代 游戏时长:  5-6h 玩家配置: 2男4女


硬核、本格、密室、还原 故事背景: 现代 人数:  4男2女 时长: 5-6h < 阅读体量: 不大

《雾鸦市都市传说》中警告大家千万不要在雾天做梦,因为梦中可能会出现名为雾魇的冤魂,将人拖入地狱之中。 海因纪134年,一份来自雾鸦馆的邀请函打破了沉寂的夜空,唤醒了乌鸦们的噩梦。在这座被胶带层层包裹的别墅中,恐惧化为枷锁,将七名罪人囚禁在这密不透风的牢笼之中。 谁能找到通往生的出口?谁又会是那潜藏在幕后低吟法笑的真凶?是这水中窒息的人偶?还是那被肢解的蜡像?死亡乐章伴奏着胶带密室的疯狂艺术,真凶就在眼前,但证据却消失得无影无踪。这是一份来自雾鸦馆的邀请函,这是一场杀人狂的宴会,这是一声来自地狱的丧钟。

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